Tutorials : How to set up Cross Trims

Mike Shellim 21 Dec 2001

updated 22 Jan 2002 - centre trim removed.

Cross Trims

This article shows how to change the normal action of a trim lever, so it affects a different control. In the example, the Rudder trim lever (LH stick) will be used to trim the Aileron control (RH stick). 



Assign Aileron to C, and Aux 6 to trim lever TA.

Stick Control Remarks
C AILERON Aileron = rt stick
TA AUX6 Aux 6 = left trim lever

We'll use a servomix to add the Aileron signal + the trim signal.

Mixer Schematic

Servomix "my_xtrim"
              |             |
Aileron  -->  | Servomix    |
AUX6     -->  | "my_xtrim"  |--> Aileron
Servo         |             |

my_xtrim set up

Input# Control/Mixer Switch  Curve        Remarks
1 AILERON ON -100/0/100 Aileron
2 AUX6 ON -range/0/+range Trim

  • The mixer adds both inputs together i.e. Aileron + Trim.
  • Assign the aileron servo to the mixer .


Add Trim Offset

A trim offset facility allows the trim lever to be brought back to the centre following flight tests. Add a third Aileron input as follows:

my_xtrim with 3rd input for "trim offset"
Input# Control/Mixer Switch  Curve        Remarks
1 AILERON ON -100/0/100 Aileron
2 AUX6 ON -range/0/+range Trim
3 FIXED VAL ON offset Trim Offset
  • range is the trim range. A typical value would be around 20. 
  • The curve for FIXED VAL is just a single point offset.

Encapsulate in Multimix

By using a multimix instead of a servomix, you can plug this behaviour into any servomix requiring Aileron + Trim.


The effect of the trims is NOT reduced at the end points, thus they work like standard (not centre) trims.