E-Soar Maxx controlling author's MPX Heron during tests (Pete Houghton photo).

E-Soar MAXX - Pro template for F5J competition

E-Soar Maxx is an advanced template for F5J electric sailplanes with 6 servos + ESC. It's based on E‑Soar Plus, but with additional options specially for F5J competition.

New in version 2.1 - crow aware trim

Building on the success of earlier versions, 2.1 has a couple of major ease-of-use enhancements.

The first is a continuously variable ('crow aware') trim for crow brakes. This allows you to trim out the brakes precisely, throughout the full range of crow. For background info see article 'Crow aware adaptive elevator trim'. Note that the Lua script is not needed with this template, since Ethos 1.5 provides all the necessary facilities.

Secondly, all pitch adjustments - including crow-aware trim and motor compensation - are made with the regular elevator trim. This makes the trimming procedure much more intuitive.

Finally, for V-tail setups there's an option to adjust V-tail diff.

Key features of E-Soar MAXX

Differences from E-Soar Plus are in bold

The template also has a special 'CAL' mode for precise matching of control surface travels.

Note: The sister template E‑Soar Plus is better suited for sport and younger pilots as it offers two additonal arming options.

Competition mode

Competition mode is unique to E-Soar MAXX and offers the following additional features.

Each option may be individually enabled.

X20 transmitter

Default control layout for mode 2, showing flight mode switches and mix adjusters. Layout is customisable.



For e-gliders with 6 servos + ESC

V-, T- or X-tail

Any stick mode

Reassignable controls

Flight modes

Cruise, Thermal, Speed

Power, Landing

Voice confirmation

In flight adjusters

Crow compensation (crow-aware trim)

Motor compensation


Crow functions

Aileron diff suppression

Reverse diff

Adjustable stick deadband


Safe arming system

Switched or variable motor control

Elevator compensation


Variable camber (Thermal mode)

Preset reflex (Speed mode)

Snapflap (any mode)

Extras in Competition mode

30-second motor timer

10-second post-run timer

Fast idle feature

Auto-disarm at 30 secs

Control surface calibration

Integrated 'CAL' mode

5-point balancing curve for flaps


Integrated flight timer

V-tail diff



For Ethos 1.5.10 or later


Translations: many thanks to Matthias Jokisch for German translations

Version history


Feedback and queries are always welcome - I can be contacted here.