DLG being launched

Template (OTX version) controlling a Topsky DLG at La Muela, Spain.

DLG - Pro template for F3K

DLG is a competition-ready template for F3K discus launch gliders with 4 servos. It's based on the popular OpenTX version. Features:

The template includes a special 'CAL' mode for precise matching of control surface travels.

X20 transmitter

Default control layout showing flight mode switches and mix adjusters.



For DLG gliders with 4 servos

Any stick mode

Launch height announcement

Launch height announcement (requires Alt telemetry)

Flight modes

Launch / Zoom

Cruise, Thermal1 / 2, Speed



Diff adjustable in flight

Negative diff supported


Compensation adjustable in flight.

Compensation curve

Adjustable stick deadband

Suppressed on exit from Zoom

Progressive negative diff option

Other mixers

Camber/reflex, per flight mode

Ail=>rud mix, per flight mode

Snapflap, per flight mode


Integrated 'CAL' mode

5-point balancing curve for flaps

Flight timer

Receiver voltage alarm


v2.0.1 (for Ethos 1.5.8 or later)

Based on 1.3.0, optimised for Ethos 1.5

v1.3.0 (for Ethos 1.4.12 or later)

Please see support page if using with Ethos 1.5

Thanks to Marco Gualtiero Sanna and Christian Herbert for translations.

Version history


Feedback and queries are always welcome - I can be contacted here.