F3F template (OTX version) controlling a Baudis Pitbull 2. La Muela, Spain.
F3F - Pro template for slope soarers
F3F is specially designed for slope soarers with six servos. The template is closely based on the well-proven OpenTX version, and is suitable for both sport and competition flyers.
Version 2.1 features a powerful crow-aware elevator trim system - previously this was only available via a Lua script for OpenTX, but thanks some cool features in Ethos 1.5, it can now be implemented natively.
Key features:
- Quick setup
- Comprehensive mixing
- In-flight mixer adjustment
- Crow-aware trim (new in 2.1)
- Customisable interface
- Setup guide
- Programming reference
- Setup guides EN, IT, FR. Sound files EN, IT, FR
Also included is a special 'CAL' mode for precise matching of control surface travels.

Control layout showing flight mode switches and mix adjusters. Layout is customisable.
For 6-servo slope soarers
V-, T- or X-tail
Any stick mode
Flight modes
Normal/Reflex, Climb, Landing
Pump mode (optional)
Voice confirmation
Trimming adjusters
Adjuster for aileron diff
Adjuster for camber
Adjuster for snapflap volume
Adjuster for snapflap expo
Crow functions
Crow-aware trim
Aileron diff suppression
Reverse diff
'Autocrow' option
Adjustable deadband on crow stick
Customisable switch layout
'CAL' mode
Full travel on flap servos
v2.1.0 (for Ethos 1.5.6 or later)
Based on v1.1.0, but optimised for Ethos 1.5 and with addition of crow-aware trim
v1.1.0 (for Ethos 1.3.3 or later)
Please see support page if using with Ethos 1.5
Marco Sanna for Italian guide and sounds
Michel for French sounds
Benoît Paillard for French translation
Matthias Jokisch for German translation
Version history
Blog: designing a transmitter setup for F3F
Feedback and queries are always welcome - I can be contacted here.