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Five for open source: RM TX16S, Various tx's, Mike S/X9D, Bruce Hudson/TX16S, Pete Houghton/FlySky

OpenTX and EdgeTX Clinic

Welcome to Mike's OpenTX/EdgeTX Clinic. These pages are devoted to getting the best out of these two great open source operating systems. Here you'll find:

Using the RC-Soar templates? Please visit the Support page for issues/alerts!

Template enhancements

All templates (except Wingy4S) have been updated for simpler configuration.

Configuration of F3F template (example shows TX16S).

Featured items

Gear reviews on RC-Soar blog

Notes for German speakers / Hinweise für deutschsprachige Anwender

Vielen Dank an Wolfram Bahmann

Vielen Dank an Fortunat Werner

Spanish translations / Traducciones al español

Gracias a Jorge Brun

3D print designs


Visit the RC-Soar Blog for all things OpenTx!

Happy flying!
- Mike Shellim