RC sailplane with crow brakes deployed


Supertrim provides an easier way of adjusting crow compensation. While not as flexible as my Crow aware adaptive trim, it does not require a Lua script.


Crow brakes generate a nose-up pitching moment which affects the model's trim. A common way to counteract this is via a crow-to-elevator mix, commonly called crow compensation. The strength of the mix is normally adjusted using a second trim.

However using two different trims to adjust pitch is confusing, and in any case not all radios have spare trims. Wouldn't it be nice if both the base trim and compensation mix could be adjusted with just one trim - the standard elevator trim!

For this to work, the trimmer would need to be repurposed dynamically. Enter 'Supertrim' ...


Supertrim is a bit of code which allows the elevator trim to be repurposed dynamically.

This simplifies the trimming task, since the elevator trim is used for both tasks. The actual procedure is as follows:

  1. Brakes off, adjust ele trim
  2. Brakes on, adjust ele trim.
  3. Done!

How it's done

The magic of AdjustGV

Supertrim uses a feature of OpenTX whereby a trim can be repurposed dynamically to update a GVAR. This is accomplished via a special function with Action= AdjustGV and Source= Ele trim. In the context of Supertrim, the GVAR stores the brake compensation value.

Now here's the neat thing: while the special function is active, the native trim is held at its last value. So, by assigning a switch to the special function, OpenTX can alternate between updating the GV and the native trim. Now here's the second neat thing: the switching can be performed automatically via the brake stick, by defining an appropriate logical switch.

The code

Here's the full code for Supertrim:

Logical Switches

L1: Thr < 100 -- true when brakes deployed



GV1: min=0%, max=40% -- supplies the compensation


Special Functions

SF1 switch=L1, Adjust GV1, Source=TrmE -- trim updates GV1



Src=I2:Ele, Weight=−100% -- elevator input + base trim

Src=Thr, wt=+GV1 Offset=−GV1 -- compensation

How it works :

During flight tests, the brakes should be fully deployed before adjusting the compensation.

Adding a compensation curve

The amount of compensation is normally non-linear with respect to crow, so a curve will usually be included in the compensation mix. Nothing special here.

Use with flight modes

The code above assumes a single flight mode. However, the technique can also be used with multiple flight modes. The base trim in crow mode will be shared from another flight mode, normally 'cruise'. Sharing of trim settings between flight modes is configured in the Flight Modes menu. For more info see Advanced trims.

Integration in RC-Soar templates

At the time of writing, Supertrim is integrated in the latest DLG, DLG6S and F3F templates. The plan is to include it future versions of the remaining templates, where applicable.


Demo model file


  • OpenTx 2.3 or above
  • EdgeTX


If using the Companion sim, note that dragging the trim handle doesn't work when adjusting compensation. Instead, click on the arrowheads at each end of the trim sliders.


For more info, see Advanced trims, in particular the section "Using a trim to update a GVAR".