Vortex 4 DLG

DLG 6S: template for 6-servo DLGs

Current version 2.1.0 (2024-11-18)

Third place in 2023 F3K world championships (Eitan Rotbart/Vortex 4 with Zorro tx)


DLG 6S is designed for DLGs with six servos and crow brakes, such as the Yoda and Vortex 4. It incoporates some new ideas for quicker setup and trimming.

Key features:

The template features a special CAL mode, for quick and precise adjustment of flap and aileron travel and centres.

Taranis layout

Left-handed/mode 2 layout shown, showing flight modes , mix adjusters.
Stick mode and layout can be changed



For DLGs with flaps and ailerons

Any stick mode

Flight modes

Launch + Zoom

Thermal1, Thermal2

Cruise, Speed, Landing

In-flight adjusters

Adjuster for aileron diff

Adjuster for brake compensation

Launch height announcement

Auto launch height callout

Camber control

Camber presets, per flight mode

Snapflap, per flight mode

Control surface calibration

'CAL' mode for easy calibration

5-point balancing curve for flaps

Crow brakes

Simple compensation adjustment

Reverse diff for enhanced roll

Safe Zoom Exit


Aileron to rudder mix

Flexible assignments

Integrated flight timer

Channels 7,8,9 free


Version 2.1.0


  • Any tx with momentary switch for launch
  • OpenTx: 2.3.15, EdgeTX 2.7.1 or later


For older versions see Version history


Please report any issues or suggestions - you can find me in my contact page.
Happy DLG'ing!