2012 Welsh Open F3F
14 - 16 Sept 2012

Flying off Mickeys slope
This year's Welsh Open was a great success with good weather for two of the three days. Forty-two pilots entered, including five from Spain (who are now experts in the night life of Bridgend!) plus our 'honorory Brit' Stefan Bertschi from Switzerland.
Mickey's slope was our home for the duration. It can be ballistic with the right wind, but it didn't reach its full potential this time because of a slight cross wind during most of the proceedings.
Competition for the top places was very keen, and after 11 rounds there was only 300 points separating the top five. By the end, though, we had a worthy winner in Martin Newnham. Runner-up was Iñaki Elizondo, and Mike Evans was third. Stefan Bertschi got the fastest time of the competition with 36.07 seconds.
Thanks are due to the SWSA, timekeepers, buzzermen and helpers, and to our overseas visitors. And finally to sponsors T9Hobbysport / MKS, Sloperacer and Multiplex for providing some super prizes (one of which - a Multiplex Cularis - is sitting in my workshop!).
Top 10
1 M Newnham 10271.60 2 I Elizondo 10164.07 3 M Evans 10157.53 4 J West 10072.60 5 S Thornton 9972.50 6 K Newton 9886.64 7 G Dakin 9706.08 8 J Luis Alvares 9692.70 9 A Richardson 9631.18 10 S Bertschi 9523.42
Full results and spreadsheet are here
Images and captions are on my SmugMug site. Enjoy