2018 English Open F3F
18-19 August 2018

Trophy winners: L-R Mark Treble, John Treble, Stu Wallace, John Phillips, and myself
Whizzing over Whitesheet
The English Open is a long established two-day event which takes place at Whitesheet. I always enjoy coming here for its relaxed atmosphere - it's an opportunity not only to compete but also to learn. This year's event was marked by rapidly changing conditions which made for challenging flying - and big variations in times. Ballast choice and turn technique were the key, along with a flexible approach to flight planning!
Day One
The first day started a little mizzly but we battled through nonetheless. Eight rounds were flown from the main SW bowl. Pilots who won rounds were: John Treble, Paul Stubley(2), myself (2), Dave Rumble, Nigel Witchalls and Andy Burgoyne. The day was rounded off by a gathering and meal at the George Inn. Paul Stubley ended the day in the lead, followed by me, then John Treble.
Day Two
Proceedings resumed on the SW bowl, until a shift in the wind forced a move to the west facing section. Seven more rounds were flown. Round winners were Graeme Mahoney (2), Mark Passingham, John Phillips, Stu Wallace and myself (2).
The cards continued to fall my way and at the end I found myself in top spot with the Stribog. Runner up was Mark Treble flying his faithful Toxic, with Stu Wallace in third with his Needle. Graeme Mahoney zipped up the rankings after a slow start, just missing the podium. The team prize went to the All Stars (John and Mark Treble, and myself). Fastest time was John Phillips flying a Redshift, with 39.22 seconds.
High points
Some high points; Seeing Vic Eldridge back in action and with a respectable placing; watching Dave Woods flying his Pitbull with his usual attacking style; and welcoming Bruce Hudson who seemed to really enjoy his foray into F3F. A special mention for Erik Heijne, always a welcome visitor with his dad, from Holland.
Big thanks to Stu Wallace for organising once again, and for the splendid trophies. A raffle was held which raised £260 for Bloodwise and Histio UK with prizes donated by a variety of sponsors. Thanks also to Peter Payne of Southcoast Sailplanes for his generous sponsorship (as a result of which I am the proud owner of a Mini Blade) - please show your support by visiting their website, there are lots of goodies to browse! And last but not least to Chris Lamming and helpers for all their practical support. Roll on 2019!
1 M Shellim 12081.60 1000.00 2 M Treble 11714.98 969.65 3 S Wallace 11565.14 957.25 4 G Mahoney 11544.95 955.58 5 P Stubley 11486.88 950.77 6 T Livingstone 11471.36 949.49 7 M Passingham 11470.11 949.38 8 I Rose 11423.55 945.53 9 J Phillips 11407.25 944.18 10 A Burgoyne 11401.35 943.69 11 E Heijne 11265.53 932.45 12 D Rumble 11239.31 930.28 13 J Treble 11212.45 928.06 14 D Woods 11163.79 924.03 15 P Taylor 11162.38 923.91 16 V Eldridge 10867.24 899.48 17 P Burgess 10867.18 899.48 18 I Falconer 10865.82 899.36 19 K Wood 10850.27 898.08 20 N Witchalls 10827.17 896.17 21 M Drewett 10656.00 882.00 22 T Robertson 10496.72 868.81 23 B Hudson 9337.99 772.91 24 C Lamming 9304.66 770.15Download Excel spreadsheet (with thanks to Pete Burgess)