2020 Welsh Open F3F
11-13 September 2020

Bruce Hudson waits to fly his Rotmilan
Welsh Open F3F
Well, we got through this one by the skin of our teeth, as the Covid police imposed a lockdown the following day! What's more, despite losing two of our Spanish friends early on, it turned out to be an excellent Welsh Open, with 26 competitors and enough rounds to break the spreadsheet.
Except for the obligatory clag on Friday morning, conditions were pretty good, with a decent wind on Mickey's for most of the competition.
Six rounds were flown on the Friday, which saw Joel West in the lead followed by Peter Gunning and Rich Bago. A further eleven rounds were flown on Saturday, with no change in the first three places. And so it was to remain till the end of the comp on Sunday. The standard of flying by all three was very high.
Many thanks to Kev Newton, Joel West, Mark Treble and all helpers. It was both a great Welsh Open and the perfect lockdown buster. While much of life is suffering, F3F remains in robust health - long may it continue!
Final placings
1 Peter Gunning 19558.82 2 Joel West 19011.52 3 Rich Bago 18734.45 4 Mark Treble 18556.33 5 Mark Redsell 18526.93 6 Andy Burgoyne 18507.87 7 Mike Shellim 18420.92 8 Graeme Mahoney 18072.42 9 Mark Abbotts 17779.54 10 Mark Passingham 17641.48 11 David Woods 17619.56 12 Kevin Newton 17596.44 13 Dave Rumble 17354.15 14 Paul Stubley 17207.75 15 Mike Evans 17205.70 16 Jason Bioletti 17065.20 17 Nigel Witchalls 16949.39 18 Leslie Wood 16929.67 19 Aleix Ingles Elias 16891.99 20 William Fourie 16671.14 21 Andrzej Tabero 16107.65 22 Bruce Hudson 15817.68 23 Jon Edison 15658.20 24 Mike Bleathman 15431.19 25 Pete Burgess 13376.63 26 John Treble 1878.10
Fastest time: 32.3 by Peter Gunning
Rounds won:
Peter Gunning - 6
Joel West - 5
Mark Redsell, Kev Newton, Graeme Mahoney, Mike Shellim, Andy Burgoyne - 2 each
Mark Abbotts, Rich Bago - 1 each