2022 BMFA League 2, Whitesheet Hill
12 June 2022
BMFA League 2 (reserve), Whitesheet Hill
This comp was held in place of the cancelled L2 event.
It turned out to be an excellent day, with glorious sunshine, and with some fast times in spite of the crossed wind.
Due to the high temperatures and cumulous cloud, there was quite a bit of thermal activity and a consequent variation in times. This didn't stop Mark Redsell dominating the event, with five round wins out of 13. Mark was flying his Freestyler. Unfortunately (or fortunately!) I was flying just before him so was unable to watch his flights, but by all accounts they were impressive.
I managed second place and fastest time flying my Pike Precision 2. John Phillips was third with his Freestyler. An honourable mention goes to Graham Hill who achieved his first sub 40!
It was a relaxed and fun competition, yet slickly run. My thanks to Graeme Mahoney and crew for a great day out.
After 13 rounds:
1 Mark Redsell 11366.46 1000.00 2 Mike Shellim 10911.57 959.97 3 John Phillips 10793.48 949.59 4 Graeme Mahoney 10647.12 936.71 5 William Fourie 10453.69 919.69 6 Dave Rumble 10233.43 900.31 7 David Woods 10094.27 888.07 8 Ian Falconer 9915.71 872.36 9 Graham Hill 9764.87 859.09 10 Phil Taylor 9454.69 831.80 11 Bruce Hudson 9416.88 828.47 12 John Treble 9367.80 824.16 13 Jess Nicholls 8902.70 783.24
Fastest time 36.66 seconds by Mike Shellim in round 11
Round winners: Mark Redsell (5), Mike Shellim (2) Graeme Mahoney (2), John Phillips (1), Bruce Hudson (1), William Fourie (1), Dave Rumble (1)