2018 Champion of Champions
7 - 8 April 2018

Maiden over! A happy Greg Dakin after first flight of Redshift.
Becalmed (almost)
This hotly anticipated two day event was to be the decider for the winter leagues. Sadly we didn't complete a single round - ouch! However, it wasn't all disaster for the 20 pilots who turned up. First of all it didn't rain. Second, we had some good sport flying. And finally there was the splendid Bridgend curry on Saturday night.
It was good to meet some old and new faces. Clayt Landells made a welcome return to F3F, Mark Abbotts popped along with his repaired Caldera and Steve Haley took time away from the flat field to join us.
Day 1
Proceedings started on VR slope. Unfortunately only fourteen or so flights were flown before the wind dropped below the legal limit. At that point a briefing was held and it was decided to move to Mickeys in anticipation of a forecast Westerly. We duly upped sticks, only to find the slope shrouded in clag.
Day 2
Hoping for better conditions on the second day, we assembled on the main Wrecker slope. Again luck wasn't on our side as the wind stubbornly stayed under the legal limit. That didn't prevent us from sport flying though - the Wrecker works in the lightest breeze and there was also some thermal activity.
So, out came the Ahi's, Alulas and mouldies. Greg Dakin maidened his Redshift, a crisp high aspect ratio design by Jim Hammond. Several others flew their F3F models. My Needle 115 was the last one to land before the wind finally died in the afternoon.
Many thanks to Joel, Mark, Rich and all helpers. It wasn't to be, but we still had a great time - proving once again that F3F is more than just two sets of poles and a timer.
Let's hope we have better luck at the Hole of Horcum!