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2024 BMFA F3F League reserve 1

9 June 2024

Third placer Graeme Mahoney

BMFA F3F: Reserve 1

The reserve competition was held at Whitesheet Hill. Conditions were so-so, with a light WNW wind, and significant variation in the lift. Nevertheless we managed to complete a full 13 rounds and we had a lot of fun.

One nice thing was that the fields were awash with buttercups, which made for risk free landings as well as forming a beautiful backdrop for the camera!

The winner was Mark Redsell flying his FS6 with consistency and precision. Close behind was Dave Rumble, with local pilot Graeme Mahoney taking the final podium position.

Many thanks to the organisers and the Whitesheet club for a fun day out.

Results after 13 rounds

1  M Redsell     10952.70   1000.00
2  D Rumble      10817.91    987.69
3  G Mahoney     10609.00    968.61
4  J Phillips    10476.56    956.52
5  M Evans       10455.40    954.59
6  W Fourie      10438.26    953.03
7  I Falconer    10032.01    915.93
8  I Mason        9916.17    905.36
9  B Larrett      9899.49    903.84
10 B Hudson       9812.35    895.88
11 M Shellim      9777.27    892.68
12 M Treble       9639.78    880.12
13 G Hill         9452.28    863.00
14 M Passingham   6511.99    594.55

Fastest time 39.17 seconds by Mike Evans in round 12

Round winners: Dave Rumble (3), Graeme Mahoney(2), Mark Redsell(2), Mike Evans (2), Brett Larrett (1), William Fourie (1), Mark Passingham (1), John Phillips(1)
