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2024 English Open

17-18 August 2024

Graeme Mahoney on the first day. He went on to win.

English Open

I always look forward to the English Open. The atmosphere is relaxed (it's not a league event), yet it's still competitive

This year we welcomed two new F3F pilots in Mick Fletcher and Mike Crofts, and visiting from Holland was Eric Heijne accompanied by his dad.

The comp

Flying took place on the NW slope. The wind was light and just four rounds were completed on the first day. Sunday was much better with ten rounds flown.

Graeme Mahoney went one up on last year by taking top spot. It was by the slimmest of margins, with less than a point separating Graeme from runner-up Mike Evans. In fact I can't recall scores so close. Last year's winner John Phillips was third.


Many thanks to organisers Nigel Witchalls, Graeme Mahoney and helpers for a splendid weekend. And to Allen Elliott for expertly manning my camera while I flew - it's not often that I get to see photos of myself at a comp.

Looking forward to next year already!.


After 14 rounds

 1 G Mahoney     11298.81   1000.00
 2 M Evans       11298.05    999.93
 3 J Phillips    11191.81    990.52
 4 M Treble      11113.29    983.58
 5 M Shellim     11068.93    979.65
 6 P Taylor      11049.18    977.90
 7 E Heijne      11044.51    977.49
 8 M Bleathman   10953.50    969.43
 9 B Hudson      10816.06    957.27
10 P Stubley     10795.97    955.49
11 A Elliott     10507.32    929.94
12 I Falconer    10259.04    907.97
13 D DeMott      10213.53    903.94
14 A Burgoyne    10035.47    888.18
15 G Hill        10002.33    885.25
16 M Fletcher     7574.67    670.39
17 M Crofts       6679.83    591.19

Fastest time 41.73 seconds by John Phillips in round 10

Round winners: Graeme Mahoney (2), Paul Stubley (2), Eric Heijne (2), John Phillips (2), Mike Evans (1), Bruce Hudson (1), Mark Treble (1), Phil Taylor (1), Mike Shellim (1), Andy Burgoyne (1)
